v500 Systems

At v500 Systems, we implement LegalTech solutions to accelerate document comprehending and processing by leveraging Artificial Intelligence. The main focus is to assist Law Firms and in-house Legal Departments in three core areas: SAVINGS (time and resources), GROWTH (improve and expand Legal effectiveness) and mitigating RISK (zero-errors processing, AI is phenomenal in accuracy).

We focus on a unique service, using deployment-ready SaaS solutions to bring high ROI to our clients in a matter of months. The advantage and value of Artificial Intelligence are that it augments employees' work and overall organisation operations. The goal is to unlock information (start using it) within unstructured data, such as documents. As a result, legal counsels can make more informed decisions.

The way we cooperate with our clients is also different. We not only provide answers, we deliver bespoke solutions to specific requirements and have the capability to evolve and adapt as these needs progress.

Our comprehensive platform enables us to deliver desired automation and efficiency to ensure the highest quality of legal work by embracing Artificial Intelligence to read, analyse, comprehend and process a high volume of documents at scale. Power of innovative technology.

v500 Systems